We launched a campaign to try and end the battle between the Composable CDP and the Packaged CDP camps. And we’d like to believe that we’ve made significant progress to that end.
Let's End The CDP Battle | Campaign Trailer
The CDP battle has left the entire freakin' industry – from CDP prospects and buyers to the folks selling them – confused and frustrated. It's time to end this.
The CDP Battle is Not a Real Battle | Luke Ambrosetti and Glenn Vanderlinden
Luke and Glenn who work with vendors from both camps and deeply understand the space, share their thoughts on the debate that's turned into a pointless battle.
CDP Rapid Fire - Round 1
In this round, the host reads out a series of statements and guests respond with "I agree" or "I disagree", along with some thoughts to support their stance.
CDP Rapid Fire - Round 2
Packed with good advice and laughs, in this round, the host asked the guests follow-up questions based on their responses to the statements from round 1.
This brings us to the end of the campaign. To gain an in-depth understanding of Composable vs. Packaged CDPs, check out our series!
Composable vs. Packaged CDP [Series]